Owning a copyright can be as simple as creating something new. But as with any area of law, the devil is in the details. Lynch LLP can help you register your rights so when the time comes, you’ll be able to enforce those rights. Registering a copyright can be a small task, but what to do when someone steals your work is anything but. We represent both plaintiffs and defendants in copyright disputes, acting as fierce advocates for our clients interests. Whether you’ve being unfairly targeted and believe you have a fair use defense, or you’ve identified a person or business stealing your work, talk to us.
Copyrights protect original works of authorship, such as books, movies, music, and software.
Copyrights give the owner the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, and create derivative works from the copyrighted work.
Copyrights can be valuable assets, and can be used to generate income through licensing, sales, and other means.
Copyrights can help to promote creativity and innovation by giving creators the incentive to create new works.